Seeking true Humanness
Nature Experiences that Forge Deep Connection
At the Laughing Coyote Project, we believe in connecting to the vital expression of the natural world. We strive to connect ourselves to this vital energy by deeply participating in the landscape and developing the authentic human qualities that have been created in concert with the Earth by our Ancestors. Our practice and beliefs center on the attainment of Earth-connection and Ancestral Lifeways.
WE BELIEVE in the interconnectedness of the natural world, the vital strands that link humans and other-than-human beings in reciprocal and cooperative relationship.
WE SEEK the path of true humanness; of health, vitality, community, movement and awareness.
WE LIVE at the intersection of ancestral living skills and modern technology, to forge a lifeway based on our intrinsic connection to the earth.
Located in rural Longmont, CO

The Spirit of Laughing Coyote
The key to our practice is the culture of connection. Check out this video to see how we nurture health, happiness, and lifelong growth!
Want to learn more?
Please feel free to send over any questions: we love sharing our philosophy, programs, and skills. And we hope to see you around the farm in Boulder County’s beautiful Colorado landscape.