Booklist Part 1
By Neal Ritter
Books are a great way to deepen our knowledge of primitive skills, and the stories can serve as inspiration. While I practice these ancestral skills primarily in Colorado, books allow me to follow the experiences of others around the world, and help inform my journey. We decided to put together a list of books that inspire us, and will share this in multiple parts. This will focus on fiction and narrative nonfiction titles. There are many more that could be added, but here is a start. Enjoy!
Youth Fiction
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen
Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver (and the rest of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series)
My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George
The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
Adult Fiction
A Story Like the Wind by Laurens van der Post
A Far Off Place by Laurens van der Post
Narrative Nonfiction
The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin
Earthroamer by Donny Dust
The Wayfinders by Wade Davis
The Wild Within by Paul Rezendes
Wilderness Survival by Mark Elbroch and Mike Pewtherer
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer